If you are a prospective graduate student who wants to work in our group, you need to apply and be admitted to one of the graduate programs of CEMS Department: More information can be found at https://www.cems.umn.edu/graduate/
If you are a current graduate student at the University of Minnesota, send an e-mail to [email protected] to discuss the possibility of joining our group. We admit students from both graduate programs in the CEMS department, as well as the School of Physics & Astronomy.
If you are interested in a postdoc position, e-mail your CV and a brief statement of research interests to Turan Birol ([email protected]). We often have an open position, but the funding comes and goes faster than this webpage is updated. Highly motivated candidates with a degree from physics, chemistry, materials science or related fields are encouraged to apply.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.